Interbank/ mid-market Rate at: 06-10-2024 14:08:07
Our online currency converter is showing you the value of 1 US Dollar in Indian Rupees according to the current foreign exchange rate'of INR 83.98. Today i.e.Sunday 06/10/2024 , for 1 US Dollar you get 83.98 Indian Rupees. Change in USD to INR rate from previous day is +0.04%. Moreover, we have also added the table of the most popular USD to INR conversions and historical charts for current, weekly and monthly USD to INR rates.
With BookMyForex'currency calculator, you can convert US Dollar to Indian Rupee at best exchange rates. Our US Dollar to INR rates is LIVE and accurate to the last second. We update the rates every 3 seconds. allows you to check the rates which are interbank rates. Interbank rates are the same rates that you see on search engines. You won't be able to do better currency conversion anywhere else. BookMyForex offers the'most updated and unbeatable exchange rates to its customers.
There are multiple ways to convert USD to INR in India for example, at your local bank branch, at airports, offline money changers, or online via reputed forex platforms like BookMyForex.Â
Having to run to a bank or an offline money changer every time you want to convert currency isn't convenient. Not only is this time-consuming, but even after all the effort, you still end up paying higher costs, as banks/ money changers charge 2 to 5% more than base rates. Another place almost all international travelers visit is the airport terminal, where they can convert USD to INR. However, currency exchange shops at airports make big profits by charging you rates with up to 15% markup. Simply put, all these establishments charge inconsistent and opaque rates.
A smarter, faster, and more economical way to exchange USD to INR is to use BookMyForex, a MakeMyTrip group company, which is India's most trusted forex platform. Placing an order is easy and hassle-free; no long queue, no haggling over rates, no hidden charges, and no lengthy process. The platform compares the rates by hundreds of RBI-authorized money changers in your area to offer you the best possible USD to INR conversion rates.
To exchange Dollar (USD) to Rupee (INR) via, simply follow these steps:
Step 1: Order Details: Start by selecting your city and the currencies. Enter the amount and click on "Book This Order".
Step 2: Customer Details: Enter details such as your name, contact number, and email ID.
Step 3: Eligibility Check: Confirm that you are an Indian citizen and upload documents such as your passport and PAN card.
Step 4: Order Processing: Select an existing delivery/pickup address or enter a new one.
Step 5: Review Order: Choose how you would like to receive your INR payment. The payment options include NEFT/RTGS (Pay Later) and Cash.
At BookMyForex, leverage the power of converting USD to INR at live rates. Our rates change every 3 seconds. Unlike other authorized money changers, like banks and other local vendors, BookMyForex does not sell or buy foreign currency at fixed rates. We recognize the fact that foreign exchange markets are totally volatile and if the rates are fixed, a sudden change in prices can have a major impact on your wallet.
With BookMyForex, you can convert USD to INR at the lowest rate for any particular day and you can also retain the same rate for 3 working days. Isn't that absolutely unbelievable? For this facility, you have to pay a 2 percent refundable rate guarantee deposit. The deposit will be refunded to you in full immediately after the order is completed.Â
Enable our rate alert feature and get the Today Dollar rate alerts unfolding. Use the feature to your advantage. Keep track of the daily USD rates now and buy when the rate reaches the value you prefer.
The best foreign exchange rates are offered by BookMyForex. At BookMyForex, we make every reasonable effort to efficiently serve our customers and be the best of all competitors in the Foreign Exchange market.
BookMyForex offers students special discounts on USD related remittances or travel card transactions related to education. We ensure that you earn maximum benefits from educational remittances.
We have also come up with creative offers and promotions in the recent past, such as our Zero-Margin Program. We also thrill our customers with exclusive offers. In particular, when the Big Forex Sale is live, catch the best BookMyForex discounts.
You must be wondering how we are able to provide better USD to INR conversion rates than banks or other money changers. Let us explain you how we enjoy a definite edge over our competitors:
BookMyForex allows users to convert INR to USD at both live and direct rates, unlike controlled banks offering foreign exchange at fixed rates for the day. Only on the BookMyForex forex rate page can the most recent USD rates be found. Setting the entire day's USD exchange rate allows banks and other money changers to maintain a higher profit margin during the day to protect against any unforeseen volatility. On the other hand, BookMyForex gives its customers the most attractive foreign currency rate and thereby passes the benefit on the basis of a better exchange rate to its customers.
BookMyForex first compares USD rates across 100s of currency exchanges close to your location as a digitally driven currency exchange marketplace and offers you the best exchange rates for USD. With so many banks and other authorized vendors, we have special ties that allow us to provide our customers with the best possible offer in the area.
Most money exchangers in India have an organizational framework at the physical level involving various forms of fixed costs, such as rent, salaries and other operating costs. The fundamental economic law tells us that the customer will actually incur all these expenses as part of higher fees and transaction costs. BookMyForex reduces the price and passes the gains on to consumers in the form of the best foreign exchange rates on the market, since we are a truly digital forex marketplace.
If you are travelling to the USA, you can purchase a forex card on BookMyForex for all your expenses overseas. Forex cards, also known as Prepaid travel cards, are accepted at most ATMs and stores/ hotels etc while you are in the USA. Prepaid cards are the most recommended and the safest way of carrying currency. You can now get a multi-currency card as well, where you can carry more than one currency for your multiple location travel to avoid carrying multiple cards.
Wire transfers are used to remit (send) money directly from an Indian bank account (of the customer) to the foreign bank account (of the beneficiary). If you plan to send money from India to USA, we will help you get the best deal possible and make sure that the money gets transferred in the fastest time possible. After your transaction is confirmed, it usually takes between 12-48 business hours for it to reach the beneficiary.
Traveler’s cheques (TCs), are safer than carrying currency but are not accepted at most establishments now. Prepaid Travel cards are a much more recommended method of carrying currency than TCs.
Demand drafts are issued in the foreign currency (USD in this case) desired for the purposes of remitting (sending) money abroad. Demand drafts can be carried or mailed to the beneficiary.
Below is the USD to INR rate chart for today, last 7 days, last 30 days and last 1 year
US Dollar (USD) | Indian Rupee (INR) |
500 USD | 41990 INR |
1000 USD | 83980 INR |
1500 USD | 125970 INR |
2000 USD | 167960 INR |
3000 USD | 251940 INR |
5000 USD | 419900 INR |
10,000 USD | 839800 INR |
50,000 USD | 4199000 INR |
100,000 USD | 8398000 INR |
1 Million USD | 83980000 INR |
Last 30 Days | Last 90 Days | |
High | 83.9925 | 83.9925 |
Low | 83.6325 | 83.5225 |
Average | 83.8125 | 83.7575 |
Change | 0.3255% | 0.4755% |
The US Dollar is the currency of the United States. The currency code for US Dollar is "USD". Click below to get more details and facts about US Dollar, its ranking & rates.
More infoUSD to INR forecast derived from the thorough analysis of USD to INR exchange rate via moving averages, buy/sell signals & expert chart indicators. Click below to get a detailed USD to INR forecast.
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