Interbank/ mid-market Rate at: 06-10-2024 14:26:23
Our online currency converter is showing you the value of 1 Saudi Riyal in Indian Rupees according to the current foreign exchange rate'of INR 22.3947. Today i.e.Sunday 06/10/2024 , for 1 Saudi Riyal you get 22.3947 Indian Rupees. Change in SAR to INR rate from previous day is +0.04%. Moreover, we have also added the table of the most popular SAR to INR conversions and historical charts for current, weekly and monthly SAR to INR rates.
With BookMyForex'currency calculator, you can convert Saudi Riyal to Indian Rupee at best exchange rates. Our Saudi Riyal to INR rates is LIVE and accurate to the last second. We update the rates every 3 seconds. allows you to check the rates which are interbank rates. Interbank rates are the same rates that you see on search engines. You won't be able to do better currency conversion anywhere else. BookMyForex offers the'most updated and unbeatable exchange rates to its customers.
There are multiple ways to convert SAR to INR in India for example, at your local bank branch, at airports, offline money changers, or online via reputed forex platforms like BookMyForex.Â
Having to run to a bank or an offline money changer every time you want to convert currency isn't convenient. Not only is this time-consuming, but even after all the effort, you still end up paying higher costs, as banks/ money changers charge 2 to 5% more than base rates. Another place almost all international travelers visit is the airport terminal, where they can convert SAR to INR. However, currency exchange shops at airports make big profits by charging you rates with up to 15% markup. Simply put, all these establishments charge inconsistent and opaque rates.
A smarter, faster, and more economical way to exchange SAR to INR is to use BookMyForex, a MakeMyTrip group company, which is India's most trusted forex platform. Placing an order is easy and hassle-free; no long queue, no haggling over rates, no hidden charges, and no lengthy process. The platform compares the rates by hundreds of RBI-authorized money changers in your area to offer you the best possible SAR to INR conversion rates.
To exchange Saudi Riyal (SAR) to Rupee (INR) via, simply follow these steps:
Step 1: Order Details: Start by selecting your city and the currencies. Enter the amount and click on "Book This Order".
Step 2: Customer Details: Enter details such as your name, contact number, and email ID.
Step 3: Eligibility Check: Confirm that you are an Indian citizen and upload documents such as your passport and PAN card.
Step 4: Order Processing: Select an existing delivery/pickup address or enter a new one.
Step 5: Review Order: Choose how you would like to receive your INR payment. The payment options include NEFT/RTGS (Pay Later) and Cash.
BookMyForex offers several benefits in foreign currency conversion services. Best of all, the conversion rates are the lowest without any hidden charges or fees. Here’s how BookMyForex provides the best Saudi Riyal rates in comparison to banks and local money changers:
1.) With BookMyForex, you can use live conversion rates to convert SAR to INR, unlike other authorized forex dealers who provide fixed rates under the name "today conversion rate". The SAR to INR conversion rate on the BookMyForex website is always live and transparent and updated every 3 seconds.
2.) To combat any adverse volatility during the day, banks and money changers have to keep a higher margin by fixing the conversion rate for the entire day. While BookMyForex provides you with a real-time conversion rate and, as a result, our customers are able to save a lot of money.Â
3.) BookMyForex, as a digitally powered forex marketplace, compares the rates to convert SAR to INR in India among hundreds of currency changers near your location in order for you to get the best deal possible.
4.) If you check and compare the rates at different banks before converting SAR to INR, you may not be able to obtain such discounted rates. Moreover, visiting the bank can be a time-consuming and tiresome process. In less than 5 minutes, you can place an order online with BookMyForex, from the comfort of your home. Our website is very intuitive and user-friendly and you won’t face any concerns while booking an order.
5.) With Book Now & Pay Later feature, you can 'lock in' a specific conversion rate for up to 3 working days by paying a refundable deposit of 2%. You will be notified via SMS or email when your preferred SAR to INR rate is available through the rate alert feature.
Our goal at BookMyForex is to provide our customers with the best SAR to INR conversion rates. We provide live forex rates that are based on the most accurate real-time data feeds. Thus, at BookMyForex, you can convert SAR to INR at actual conversion rates instead of indicative rates. BookMyForex offers the 'Freeze Live Forex Rates' feature for you when converting Saudi Riyal. If you pay 2% upfront, you can freeze the transaction rate and make payments at any time within three days, regardless of currency market fluctuations. Additionally, you can set up a rate alert to be notified when the desired SAR to INR rate becomes available.
BookMyForex offers live foreign conversion rates that are compared across hundreds of foreign exchange vendors in your area. Through our exclusive tie-ups with banks and money changers across India, we are able to provide the most competitive rates to our customers. Banks and money changers hold higher margins when setting the Saudi Riyal conversion rate for the entire day to offset any adverse fluctuations or changes in the exchange rate. In contrast to other money changers or banks in your area, we don't have any hidden fees or charges and maintain the utmost transparency in our online booking process. To say it all, we offer the best SAR to INR conversion rates than local currency changers or banks in your area, allowing you to rest assured when placing an order with us.
BookMyForex is India's leading online foreign exchange marketplace. With partnerships with reputed banks and trusted exchange companies, we provide forex services in over 650 cities in India (over 5000 locations). Forex can be purchased via BookMyForex for a variety of purposes, including personal travel, business travel, education, emigration, employment, medical care, and maintaining distant relatives. By comparing quotes from various channel partners in real-time, we are able to offer customers the best rate available. Our forex product line includes currency notes, prepaid travel cards, and an outward remittance facility.
BookMyForex provides currency notes at live conversion rates, which are very close to the prevailing interbank rates, unlike banks which would give them a fixed conversion rate for the day. Our exclusive tie-ups with several channel partners allow us to offer our customers the best deal possible.
Apart from currency exchange services, BookMyForex also deals with prepaid travel cards. Our forex card is available at exact Interbank rates, the rates that you can find on search engines. These are transparent rates with zero margin which means you get to exchange currencies for free. The card comes with a Free International SIM card too.
With its innovative & robust technology infrastructure, excellent banking arrangements, and across-the-board Internet presence, BookMyForex has introduced an excellent live rate mechanism. Therefore, with live and transparent exchange rates, you can send money abroad 24*7 from the comfort of your home.
Below is the SAR to INR rate chart for today, last 7 days, last 30 days and last 1 year
Saudi Riyal (SAR) | Indian Rupee (INR) |
1 SAR | 22.3947 INR |
5 SAR | 111.9735 INR |
10 SAR | 223.947 INR |
20 SAR | 447.894 INR |
25 SAR | 559.8675 INR |
50 SAR | 1119.735 INR |
100 SAR | 2239.47 INR |
200 SAR | 4478.94 INR |
250 SAR | 5598.675 INR |
300 SAR | 6718.41 INR |
Last 30 Days | Last 90 Days | |
High | 22.398 | 22.398 |
Low | 22.302 | 22.2727 |
Average | 22.35 | 22.3354 |
Change | 0.3256% | 0.4755% |
The Saudi Riyal is the currency of the Saudi Arabia. The currency code for Saudi Riyal is "SAR". Click below to get more details and facts about Saudi Riyal, its ranking & rates.
More infoSAR to INR forecast derived from the thorough analysis of SAR to INR exchange rate via moving averages, buy/sell signals & expert chart indicators. Click below to get a detailed SAR to INR forecast.
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