Interbank/ mid-market Rate at: 13-12-2024 05:20:38
Our online currency converter is showing you the value of 1 Indian Rupees in Canadian Dollar according to the current foreign exchange rate'of CAD 0.016753. Today i.e.Friday 13/12/2024 , for 1 Indian Rupees you get 0.016753 Canadian Dollar. Change in INR to CAD rate from previous day is +0.4%. Moreover, we have also added the table of the most popular INR to CAD conversions and historical charts for current, weekly and monthly INR to CAD rates.
With BookMyForex'currency calculator, you can convert Indian Rupee to Canadian Dollar at best exchange rates. Our INR to Canadian Dollar rates is LIVE and accurate to the last second. We update the rates every 3 seconds. allows you to check the rates which are interbank rates. Interbank rates are the same rates that you see on search engines. You won't be able to do better currency conversion anywhere else. BookMyForex offers the'most updated and unbeatable exchange rates to its customers.
In India, there are several ways to convert INR to CAD, including at airports, local banks, offline money changers, or online via trusted forex platforms like BookMyForex.
It is inconvenient to always have to run to a bank or an offline money changer to convert INR to CAD. It involves a lot of effort, and even after all the hard work, you still end up paying more because banks/offline money changers typically charge 2 to 5% more than base rates. Those traveling abroad are also likely to visit the airport terminal, where they can convert INR to CAD. However, the currency exchange shops at airports charge you rates with up to 15% markup to compensate for various kinds of fixed costs such as salaries, rent, and other operating costs. In other words, all these places charge inconsistent and very high INR to CAD conversion rates.
A Quick, Secure & More Affordable way to convert INR to CAD is to use BookMyForex, A Trusted Forex Platform in India. The company is a subsidiary of MakeMyTrip, one of India's leading travel companies. When compared to more conventional choices like banks, local money changers, and airports, BookMyForex stands out as the top choice for converting INR to CAD since they provide the most transparent conversion rates. The platform compares the rates offered by hundreds of RBI-approved money changers in your area to provide you with the best INR to CAD conversion rates.
Placing an order with BookMyForex is easy and hassle-free; simply follow the steps mentioned below to exchange INR to CAD:
Step 1: Order Details: Start by selecting your city and the currencies. Enter the amount and click on "Book This Order".
Step 2: Customer Details: Enter details such as your name, contact number, email ID, PAN number, countries you are traveling to, and the start & end dates of your trip.
Step 3: Eligibility Check: Specify the purpose of your trip & check your eligibility. Upload documents such as PAN card, Passport, Air Tickets, etc.
Step 4: Order Processing: Select an existing delivery/pickup address or enter a new one.
Step 5: Review Order: Finally, review your order and make payment via Netbanking, NEFT/RTGS, or UPI.
Indian Rupee (INR) | Canadian Dollar (CAD) |
1 INR | 0.016753 CAD |
5 INR | 0.083765 CAD |
10 INR | 0.16753 CAD |
20 INR | 0.33506 CAD |
25 INR | 0.418825 CAD |
50 INR | 0.83765 CAD |
100 INR | 1.6753 CAD |
200 INR | 3.3506 CAD |
250 INR | 4.18825 CAD |
300 INR | 5.0259 CAD |
Indian Rupee (INR) | Canadian Dollar (CAD) |
500 INR | 8.3765 CAD |
1000 INR | 16.753 CAD |
1500 INR | 25.1295 CAD |
2000 INR | 33.506 CAD |
3000 INR | 50.259 CAD |
5000 INR | 83.765 CAD |
10,000 INR | 167.53 CAD |
50,000 INR | 837.65 CAD |
100,000 INR | 1675.3 CAD |
1 Million INR | 16753 CAD |
Last 30 Days | Last 90 Days | |
High | 0.016712 | 0.016712 |
Low | 0.016492 | 0.016048 |
Average | 0.016601 | 0.016373 |
Change | 1.334% | 4.1376% |
The Canadian Dollar is the currency of the Canada. The currency code for Canadian Dollar is "CAD". Click below to get more details and facts about Canadian Dollar, its ranking & rates.
More infoCAD to INR forecast derived from the thorough analysis of CAD to INR exchange rate via moving averages, buy/sell signals & expert chart indicators. Click below to get a detailed CAD to INR forecast.
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